Readings: Blog Posts

By 2d Class:

  1. Three Goals for Ph.D. Courses in Economics
  2. Balance Sheet Monetary Policy: A Primer
  3. QE or Not QE: Even Economists Need Lessons in Quantitative Easing, Bernanke Style
  4. Wallace Neutrality Roundup: QE May Work in Practice, But Can It Work in Theory?
  5. Roger Farmer on the Value of Sovereign Wealth Funds for Economic Stabilization
  6. Sticky Prices vs. Sticky Wages: A Debate Between Miles Kimball and Matthew Rognlie
  7. The Unavoidability of Faith

By 3d Class:

  1. John Cochrane on the Information Economy (“Larry Summers’ Martin Feldstein Speech”)
  2. The Logarithmic Harmony of Percent Changes and Growth Rates
  3. The Shape of Production: Charles Cobb’s and Paul Douglas’s Boon to Economics
  4. The Medium-Run Natural Interest Rate and the Short-Run Natural Interest Rate
  5. The Shakeup at the Minneapolis Fed and the Battle for the Soul of Macroeconomics
  6. The Neomonetarist Perspective

By 4th Class:

  1. How and Why to Eliminate the Zero Lower Bound: A Reader’s Guide
  2. How Subordinating Paper Money to Electronic Money Can End Recessions and End Inflation
  3. How the Electronic Deutsche Mark Can Save Europe
  4. Could the UK be the First Country to Adopt Electronic Money?
  5. America’s Big Monetary Policy Mistake: How Negative Interest Rates Could Have Stopped the Great Recession in Its Tracks
  6. Gather ‘round, Children, Here’s How to Heal a Wounded Economy
  7. A Minimalist Implementation of Electronic Money  
  8. How to Set the Exchange Rate Between Paper Currency and Electronic Money
  9. Going off the Paper Standard
  10. The Costs and Benefits of Repealing the Zero Lower Bound … and Then Lowering the Long-Run Inflation Target

For exam:

  1. Getting the Biggest Bang for the Buck in Fiscal Policy
  2. Anat Admati, Martin Hellwig and John Cochrane on Bank Capital Requirements
  3. Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
  4. On the Great Recession

For prelim: To be added