“Negative Interest Rate Policy as Conventional Monetary Policy” in German: “Negativzinspolitik als konventionelle Geldpolitik”
Link: “Negativzinspolitik als konventionelle Geldpolitik” (pdf)
Link to the English version: “Negative Interest Rate Policy as Conventional Monetary Policy”
Journal placement is not the only measure of the importance of an academic paper. I have had many papers published in the American Economic Review or Econometrica, but I have only had one academic paper translated into another language: “Negative Interest Rate Policy as Conventional Monetary Policy,” which is published in the National Institute Economic Review. I appreciate Werner Onken (editor) and Beate Bockting (translator) of the Zeitschrift fuer Sozialoekonomie (Journal for Social Economics) for making the translation happen, Angus Armstrong for arranging for permission from the National Institute Economic Review, and Tilman Borgers and especially Rudi Bachmann for checking the German translation with an eye to the cadence and the economic substance.
Let me also highlight the INWO, the Initiative fuer Naturliche Wirtschafts Ordnung (Initiative for Natural Economic Order). Here is INWO’s webpage on monetary reform, which among other things reports on several important negative interest rate conferences.