Virginia Postrel: Libertarian or Supply-Side Liberal?
Image from Virginia Postrel’s Twitter Homepage
As an admirer of well-written nonfiction books and their authors, Virginia Postrel is someone who was famous to me before I ever started blogging. So I was delighted to have some interactions with her since I started blogging, especially on Twitter. One of the first interactions was when she said in the comments to Tyler Cowen’s post, “Reminiscences of Miles Kimball, and others” (near the bottom) that she wondered if I was dead, since as she later tweeted to me, Tyler’s post sounded a bit like an obituary.
It was nice to have Virginia say in that exchange she was glad I was not dead, but I was even more pleased to see her review-in-a-tweet of my post “Safe, Legal, Rare and Early.” She tweeted:
Safe, Legal, Rare and Early: Thoughtful & true post on abortion by @mileskimball
I am on the waiting list at the library for her latest book, The Power of Glamour, about which Tyler Cowen says:
Her best and most compelling book. It is wonderfully researched, very well written, the topic is understudied yet of universal import, and the accompanying visuals are striking.
Wikipedia currently says that Virginia “is an American political and cultural writer of broadly libertarian, or classical liberal, views.” But I am wondering if maybe she is at heart a Supply-Side Liberal.
On cultural issues, the dominant thread on this blog so far has been it focus on John Stuart Mill's On Liberty. (I give the links to relevant posts in “John Stuart Mill’s Brief for Freedom of Speech” and “John Stuart Mill’s Brief for Individuality.”) But there are also many other posts on my Religion, Humanities and Science sub-blog (linked at my sidebar) that address cultural issues.
By the way, I discussed the relationship between my own views and Libertarianism a bit in my “Libertarianism, a US Sovereign Wealth Fund, and I.”