Glenn Ellison's New Book: Hard Math for Elementary School

Glenn Ellison, the microeconomic theorist at MIT, has written a new book for kids who love math. Here is what Susan Athey had to say about it on her Facebook page, and gave me permission to post:

If your elementary school kids love math–this truly unique book is for you. There’s enough material in here to run a math club for two years, at least. It is really inspiring to see what happens when someone with deep love of math, an incredible gift for teaching, and years of experience with coaching kids in math teams and working with his three brilliant daughters comes up with when he puts his mind to it! Thanks so much for sharing what you’ve created with the rest of us, Glenn Ellison! (And I can’t believe you managed to get this done on top of everything else you are doing!)

My Ec 10 teacher Mary O'Keeffe also gave a rave review of the book on her math circle blog.

Susan pointed out that Glenn also has a book for older kids, Hard Math for Middle School.