An Upgraded Sidebar for

My daughter Diana Kimball and I have upgraded the sidebar. Those of you who read on an RSS feed might want to go to’s actual website once to see what is available on the sidebar.  Here are some changes:

  1. We put the “Archive” link near the top, since I use it a lot to get the links needed to reference earlier posts. The “Archive” link is also the only easy way to get links for old link posts whose title leads to a reference rather than my post itself.  (I have vowed to avoid link posts from now on.)
  2. I added a link to “A More Personal Bio: My Early Tweets.” This includes some very early tweets about my personal objective function as well as about some early family background and background relevant to my blogging. You can also see a few pictures of my hobby of using Magnetix to do three-dimensional geometry.  
  3. There is a link to the June 2012 Table of Contents, a post that also includes a retrospective of my blog’s first month.
  4. As an experiment, I have enabled Tumblr’s “Ask me anything” button. The rules are that you can ask me anything, but I will choose whether or not to answer. (For example, I am not going to answer tumblrbot’s question about “my favorite inanimate object” since that is too extraneous to the purposes of this blog.) I especially welcome questions about real world economic issues that might get me thinking of possible future posts.