Liz Cheney on Democracy and the Rule of Law

Link to the full text of Liz Cheney’s May 11, 2021 speech on the floor of the House of Representatives

For whatever length of time Donald Trump continues to have political influence, Liz Cheney’s six-and-a half-minute speech yesterday should be required viewing for all citizens of the United States.

I found myself getting choked up because she points powerfully to the blessing of having a political system that gives us freedom and our need to tend the foundations of that system.

In addition to invoking the principles of democracy and the rule of law, Liz Cheney also invokes many core principles of the Republican party. She bids fair to become the leader of the wing of the Republican Party not in bondage to Donald Trump.

Liz Cheney has shown a lot of courage. Challenging Donald Trump so directly may make it impossible for her to be reelected in Wyoming. She must have thought that through. Yet she went ahead anyway.

(Though Mitt Romney has also shown courage, I think the electoral danger is less for him than for Liz Cheney. The large contingent of Mormons in Utah are still very proud of Mitt as the first major party Mormon nominee for President of the United States. That gives him a floor of support even after bucking Donald Trump.)