Christmas Dinner at the Kimballs', Anno Domini 2021

My son Jordan and his fiancee Caroline are visiting us for the holidays. Caroline put together the wonderful feast you can see above. You can see what Caroline did 3 years ago in “Christmas Dinner 2018 with the Kimballs in Colorado.” And a few days ago we did full-scale hot pot.

I am enjoying the feasting fully. I simply balance out the feasting with fasting before and after. See “Fasting Before Feasting.”

One nice thing is that by avoiding sugar and other easily digested carbs except on rare occasions, I have reduced the size of the insulin kick when on those rare occasions I do eat sugar—as in the pie and the eggnog—or other easily digested carbs—as in the rolls and the pastry clothing the Beef Wellington, as well as the pasta in the soup. (Note that this isn’t overall going halfway towards eliminating sugar. It is going more than 95% of the way towards eliminating sugar.)

For annotated links to other posts on diet and health, see: