Harvard 35th Reunion Profile: Miles Kimball

Link to Wikipedia article “Miles Kimball”

It is hard to believe that this Spring it will be 35 years since I earned a Bachelor’s degree from Harvard. I did a profile for the 35th reunion report which you might find of some interest. (It had notes about my children Diana and Jordan at the top.) Here it is: 

My religious journey has been a big part of my life. In 2000, at the age of 40, I left Mormonism to become a Unitarian-Universalist. My Mormon background left me with a strong sense of mission, which has become a desire to make a difference in the world that is no longer connected to any belief in the supernatural.

In 2012, I began my blog “Confessions of a Supply-Side Liberal,” which has a personal dimension, in addition to talking about economics, politics and religion. I also began tweeting in earnest under my own name @mileskimball.

In 2016, after 29 years teaching at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, I moved to the University of Colorado Boulder as Eugene D. Eaton Jr. Professor of Economics. My wife Gail and I now live in Superior, Colorado, with stunning views of the Front Range.

Professionally, I continue to pursue broad interests in macroeconomics, the economics of risk and cognitive economics, but my most important efforts are working toward restoring the power of monetary policy by working out the details for effective negative interest rate policy and designing well-being indices that can improve policy-making not only for national and regional governments but also for non-governmental organizations. My research has become a very social activity as I work with a large circle of coauthors and research assistants. Technology has made long-distance collaboration easier and easier.