2022 Final Exam

Practice Exams:

Additional Practice:

2019 Midterm #2

2019 Final Exam

Supplementary Readings Directly Tested:

“The Future of Inflation” series (Ruchir Agarwal and Miles Kimball in the International Monetary Fund’s online journal “Finance and Development”):

  1. Will Inflation Remain High?

  2. How Costly is Inflation?

  3. The Electronic Money Standard and the Possibility of a Zero Inflation Target

At this link is a table detailing some of the costs and benefits of inflation we address in Part II

I highly recommend that you listen to the associated podcasts as well. Here are the links: “Ruchir Agarwal and Miles Kimball on Negative Interest Rates and Inflation—IMF Podcasts.” In theory, the exam questions should be answerable based on what is in the 3 readings 1,2,3 above, but the podcasts are going to make things a lot easier to understand.

Other supplementary readings directly tested:

  1. Two Types of Knowledge: Human Capital and Information

  2. Bonnie Kavoussi's Tweetstorm on "Restoring American Growth"

  3. America's Big Monetary Policy Mistake: How Negative Interest Rates Could Have Stopped the Great Recession in Its Tracks

  4. Janet Yellen is Hardly a Dove—She Knows the US Economy Needs Some Unemployment

Videos You Need to Watch:

  1. Analyzing the Great Depression Using Supply and Demand for the Monetary Base (9 min.)

  2. More Analysis of the Great Depression Using Supply and Demand for the Monetary Base (5 min.)

  3. The Costs of Inflation (20 min.)

  4. How Interest Rate Cuts Stimulate the Economy (24 min.)

  5. Why We Want More Jobs (47 min.)

  6. Keeping Aggregate Demand on Track (22 min.)

  7. Why the Fed Should Keep the Output Gap Equal to Zero (13 min.)

  8. Percent Changes in Things Measured as Percentages (7 min.)

  9. Lecture on Negative Interest Rate Policy (66 min.)

  10. Takeaways about Economic Growth (15 min.)

  11. Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats - BBC Four

  12. 200 years that changed the world (Hans Rosling)