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Why is crime rising in so many American cities? The answer implicates one of the most celebrated antipoverty programs of recent decades.
A Partisan Nonpartisan Blog: Cutting Through Confusion Since 2012
Why is crime rising in so many American cities? The answer implicates one of the most celebrated antipoverty programs of recent decades.
That’s the title of a piece I had in the Chronicle of Higher Education in February. CHE is paywalled, but they kindly agree to let me republish here, after a suitable interval. The article (or at l…
Once beliefs and expectations are introduced into economics, as is surely reasonable, the results of fiscal and monetary policy become indeterminate. Too much depends on what people think the results of the policy will be.
[The Washington Post] Fareed Zakaria, a columnist for The Washington Post, is the host of “Fareed Zakaria GPS” on CNN and the author of “In Defense of a Liberal Education.”If Americans are united in any conviction these days, it is that we urgently need to shift the …