An Agnostic Prayer for Strength

Sometimes the task I face on a particular day scares me–whether because of its difficulty, or because of its importance. I felt that way as I walked from my hotel to the Fed to talk about electronic money a few weeks ago. I devised this prayer, which helped me feel more confident:

May I be strong and steadfast,

calm and collected,

as I set out to serve

the God or Gods who may be.  

The theology behind this prayer, and two other examples of agnostic prayers, can be found here:

In situations where strength is needed day after day for many days in a row, I would change one word:

May I be strong and steadfast,

calm and collected,

as I strive to serve

the God or Gods who may be.  

Better yet would be putting together your own agnostic prayer–something that works for you. 

I have called what I have above a prayer, but like a mantra, or “The Litany Against Fear,” it helped to say it to myself more than once.

Note: I saved this post for Thanksgiving weekend. I also had a Thanksgiving column on Quartz this year: “Gratitude is more than simple sentiment: it is the motivation that can save the world.”