Stephen Strobbe’s 12 Life Lessons

At the University of Michigan we have a student-selected “Golden Apple” award for excellent teachers. The winners traditional give an “Ideal Last Lecture.” I liked the 12 life lessons Golden Apple Winner Stephen Strobbe gave. (You can see the full article in the University of Michigan’s University Record here.) Here they are:

  1. Ultimately, you are responsible for your own happiness.
  2. You can’t accomplish much of anything by yourself.
  3. Everything doesn’t happen for a reason.
  4. Sometimes it’s wonderful to be wrong.
  5. You can learn something from almost anyone.
  6. You don’t need to learn all of life’s lessons the hard way, just the important ones.
  7. Say yes to more than you think you can do.
  8. Ask for what you need.
  9. Surround yourself with people who want you to succeed.
  10. Let yourself be adopted by a dog.
  11. Seek good counsel, and then use it.
  12. When the time comes, you will be enough.